יום רביעי, אוגוסט 30, 2006


From our friends at Prickly City:Thoughts?


At 1:39 אחה״צ, Blogger Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

People don't have to be friends to live together. Just look at New York City: The whites barely tolerate the blacks who resent the Puerto Ricans who hate the Dominicans and everyone dislikes the Orthodox Jews who hate everyone else who isn't Orthodox Jewish (I haven't figured out what's up with the Asians yet,because, of course, they're inscrutable. yes, that's a joke) Yet, despite this rampant prejudice and hatred, everyone gets along! That's because we have a Constitution that guarantees equal rights under the law, and a national slogan of "E Pluribus Unum" (out of many one). We all agreed to live under this system, so even if we don't like the people, we tolerate them because we know the system requires it and we respect the system.

When you have a system that puts one group over others, that's a recipe for ethnic conflict and war.

At 3:24 אחה״צ, Blogger YS said...

It seems to me that the reason we all "get along" is not the fact that we have equal rights under the law. It's more that we all have equal responsibility under an enforcable law which acts as a deterrent to it's violation.

Still, there is truth in what you say. Any system of laws must be mostly (%90+) voluntarly complied with rather than just brute-forced. In the US most people, I think, complie with the law because they recognize their own self-interest in the laws viablity. In Israel, the non-citizen Arabs have no such self-interest. I don't think that permits murder but I understand that a lessened desire to adhere to the laws is present.


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