יום ראשון, אוקטובר 14, 2007

Learning Gideon

This morning was giving a new learning program a try. Sulam Ya'akov is a local program run by the Rabbi of my synagogue. We'll see how it goes.

This morning was Judges chapter 6 - Introducing Gideon.
The most interesting idea of the morning for me was setting Gideon up as a Moses figure. Throughout the chapter there are references to the exodus from Egypt. Locusts, Egypt, the leader asking for signs, phrases evoking Mosaic phrases and more. Quite fun though I don't know what to do with it yet. Ideas?

It's been at least 4 years since I've learnt N'vieim. It's a very different language than what we are so used to in more modern writings. It's different way of relating to God. The people related to God and religion very differently.
