Getting in. Again.
This time, out fearless reporter has brought a companion to help ease the monotony and do the dishes. The super-dooper-cooker (Mini-Trangia) saves the day providing a bounty of rice for all. Hostals in this part of the world are a bit pricier than expected. A room for 50€ a night. thinking back to Thailand... 50€... 60$... 2,400Baht... 4 nights of luxury... Oh well.Here there be Torros Bravos!
In reality, I sit in a hotal in Madrid, Spain. Which hotal? Depends when. We made a reservation at Hotal A. We showed up and were shown a room. We took a nap and emerged a few hours later to pay only to find we were in a different hotal. The pad of paper from which she was about to issue us a recipt said Bermejho when it should have said Luis Velez. Not good.
This was all further complicated by the lady who spoke no ingles and couldn´t understand that if Hotal A still had our reservation and credit card number, they could make us pay for the same night we were not staying with them. More not good. Our phrase book did not have the word for mistake. Also not good. In the end we found out that Hotal B works with Hotal A and all was well.
What would it take to be a tourist in your own city? You could have someone drop you at the airport and spend a few days at a cheap backpackers place while seeing all the sights that everyone else sees and you never got to. Thoughts?
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