יום רביעי, מרץ 01, 2006

Things that should be said

Until now I haven't put up a blogroll. I still haven't. There are a few sites I'm thinking about pimping but for now I'll just have the occasional "Must read" post.

Do you wear a black hat? Both for those who do and don't. The rest of her blog is also quite wow.

CheckThisMate sent me this book excerpt. I was impressed. Anyone else want to weigh in?

How many recovering addicts does it take to change a light bulb?
-Only one but it may take him 12 steps.


At 8:41 PM, Anonymous אנונימי said...

Well- decided to check in here- fun:D
and and love the black hats myth- except that now I'm scared of getting hooked on the blog if she writes like that a lot... that's why I don't check blogs very often- too easy to hang around all day.

The book excerpt was mostly ok; except I think it's too much of a blanket statement-- and I say that mainly cos I've been in a situation where "If a guy truly likes you, but for personal reasons he needs to take things slow, he will let you know that immediately. He won't keep you guessing, because he'll want to make sure you don't get frustrated and go away" just wasn't the way it was.
Fear, maybe? Blind as to how crazy I was going? Confidence issues? whatever it was...
it took 2.5 years for me to know

I don't see why you can't call a guy- but if they're not calling you back, then take the hint.. but games annoy me.
And blanket statements annoy me too
Isn't the whole point- to be yourself?
Well, if being yourself includes calling someone or encouraging them, then go for it.
Just don't make excuses for the guy if he doesn't respond like you want him to. That's all..

hmm- that was long... I feel odd now...
I prefer the email form of sharing my bizarre ideas...

I may go hide now.. Or watch Jewboy, which is on SBS tonight.
speaking of people who don't wear black hats...

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous אנונימי said...

I just think it's too simplified. And too game-y
I think the point that should be brought out in this kinda thing is to accept when the guy's not apparently interested- and to just leave it at that and not pursue it. And definitely don't make excuses for them to suit what you wish was true.


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