יום ראשון, אפריל 30, 2006

Time to waste....

My Dad long ago commented that with all the information that is available in our world today the big challenge is not finding it but in sorting it and separating the wheat from the chaff. There are so many blogs, so many sources, so many radio stations, so many recipes....

Say I'm looking for a peanut butter cookie recipe. I can search for one and I'll come up with a mess of junk and 10,000 different recipes. How do I know which one I should use? That's is today's challenge. The world will belong to the man who can find what he wants.

Google is one good solution. Disambiguation pages on Wikipedia are another. Pandora is one. Blog carnivals are another good one. The four examples I just gave, two use people to sort the junk, two use algorithms. The trade is speed vs. quality.

MY problem right now is overload. I guess there are some people who get more stuff done in the same amount of time because they are more organized. They know where everything they need is.

No. That's not true. People who get lots of stuff done are just like you and me. They just waste less time. I can get much more stuff done in the same amount of time. I just need to focus more and waste less time. Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd fame) said: "We are entertaining ourselves to death." Not me, I'm wasting myself to death. Or at least to inactivity. Not good. Not acceptable.

I will waste less time. The next time you see me wasting time please remind me that I have a lot of stuff to do and I can do if I just stop mucking around.



At 3:47 PM, Blogger Bz said...

you know, I should post this all over my room....


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