R' Zev Leff talks about positive and negative commandments are on ladders. Wherever we stand on those ladders, those are the commandments we struggle with. The ones below us are not so tough to do or not do and the ones above us are not even on the radar screen. As we grow and change with the years our place on the ladder shifts.
When I was 8 I struggled with fighting and swearing and being nice to my sister. At 20 I struggled with faith in God and living in Israel. These days I'm struggling with something I had never given much thought to: Envy.
I know its a big one. One of the top ten list. It was never an issue for me. I was happy for my friend and I was happy with what I have. I now find myself again and again looking around at my friends house, field, ox, ass, maidservant, and so on thinking... "Covet..... Envy.... Mmmmm... Doughnuts...."
It's a challenge.
When I was 8 I struggled with fighting and swearing and being nice to my sister. At 20 I struggled with faith in God and living in Israel. These days I'm struggling with something I had never given much thought to: Envy.
I know its a big one. One of the top ten list. It was never an issue for me. I was happy for my friend and I was happy with what I have. I now find myself again and again looking around at my friends house, field, ox, ass, maidservant, and so on thinking... "Covet..... Envy.... Mmmmm... Doughnuts...."
It's a challenge.
תוויות: Torah
This is a well known Michtav M'Eliyahu concept
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