יום רביעי, דצמבר 07, 2005

Bushwalking - Part II

Just came back from two days in the Royal National Park. Wow. Ever see a 3 foot Iguana? In the local patois "A Gooyana". A hike up along the coast. Part rainforest, part open track, some beachiness, and a slightly intoxicated fellow who very kindly showed us where we could find water at night.

On different notes, I think I'm going to pull the personal note I had up a few days ago. Either I should keep this blog completly annoymous, or I should not be posting personal items (at least not those that relate to other people). Any thoughts? I'd love to know how everyone draws their own line.

And to end on a high note, I am now in official backpacker mode. Just like all the tourists I sneered at throughout the semester here. I have my life in a massive bag, I'm begging lodging from friends and eating whatever doesn't move. My post from now on will be a bit spottier and a bit more experiential. A little less thoughtful, a little more fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants. A little less conversation, a little more action.


At 3:59 אחה״צ, Anonymous אנונימי said...

Well, my blog is not anonymous, and I know who reads it, and I have, in the past, posted personal things cos... hmmm, I wanted to get it out there through a non-direct medium.

[incidentally, we like your blog and wish we had met it sooner]

At 4:13 אחה״צ, Blogger YS said...

Thanks for the compliment.

A non-direct medium. that's good. My only issue is if I can't say something to a person directly, I feel odd telling the whole world about it (of course with out names) and hope that it filters back to them somehow. It's a very lacking-in-balls type of move.

At 11:56 אחה״צ, Anonymous אנונימי said...

its worse if they read it ,it might be better to try the direct appoach , it might be harder but will get the job done with less complications

At 11:59 אחה״צ, Anonymous אנונימי said...

and not direct can cause much more damage without without intention


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